A press conference to publicize a new study: The Police Treatment of Murders of Palestinian Women Citizens of Israel was held in Lod. "Specifically in Lod, specifically in the Ramat Eshkol neighborhood."
The study, conducted by the organization "Women against Violence," leaves no room for doubt. Palestinian women, despite being only 18% of the population, make up 46% of the women in shelters. On every measure -- response to complaints, number of murderers arrested and tried, average number of years a man will spend in prison -- Jewish women get a far better response from law enforcement and the judicial system than their Arab sisters. That paints a picture of a system that is meant to protect all citizens, but which is failing it it's job. Prof. Sonia Boulos, in a Zoom talk, suggested the discourse must change, from treating Arab citizens as the enemy to enabling citizens to sue the legal system for lack of protection.
In addition to Head of Women against Violence, Naila Awad, speakers included Fidaa Shehade, an activist and member of the Lod city council and MP Aida Touma-Sliman, who is working to pass laws that will protect women and families of victims.
To truly prevent violence against women, we must make every day a day to eliminate violence (period).