Added Shelter
Na'am participated in a Knesset round table and position paper on the needs of minority women in emergencies. This led to the opening of an additional shelter for Arab women.
No Polygamy
Due to an effort led by Na'am and others, a loophole allowing polygamy was struck down in a law passed by the Knesset.
Na'am supports women's higher education by helping them obtain scholarships and assistance through their studies. Recently, our Women's Rights coordinator recieved her degree, and not long after, her daughter finished her nursing degree and became licensed. We count this as one of our most signigicant sucesses.
With the help of the European Union, and three other women's rights organizations, we met with 42 groups of young women over three years to talk about early marriage and polygamy
Making our Voices Heard
Na’am has been instrumental in bringing issues such as eliminating violence against women into the general discourse in Israel
Rights & Justice
In 2013, the use of the term honor killing to defend a murderer was deemed illegitimate and therefore is no longer used to excuse the murder of a woman
In 2019, we initiated - together with the Israel’s Women’s Network, a hotline in Arabic and a Women’s Rights Center
Equal Representation
In 2019, with the help of Na’am, the first Arab woman was elected to the Lod City Council
Rights & Justice
Na’am was part of the effort to raise the legal marriage age to 18, and we were part of a study that showed that early marriage incidents were dropping but there is still a need for enforcement.
AWC-Na'am is an entirely independent, grassroots organization. That means we depend on the support of generous donors and volunteers. You can donate to AWC-Na'am through the New Israel Fund portal by clicking on the button to the right, or you can get in touch directly through the link below.