This year, 13 women were murdered by someone close to them. Three of these were in the past month, alone. Over 50,000 women turned for centers for assisting victims of sexual abuse in 2018. While our elected representatives have still not managed to form a government, our personal safety is at risk, and the funds that are meant to go to preventing and treating victims of violence against women are being withheld. We are all paying a steep price for this.
On Monday, Nov. 25, the annual march to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, will take place in conjunction with the Tel Aviv-Yaffo Municipality and a series of women's and social justice organizations, including Na'am. We will meet in Kikar Rabin at 18:30 and we'll march together to Habima Square, where the main demonstration will begin at 19:45.
For more information (in Hebrew), go to the Facebook link:Â
We'll be happy to see you there, and for you to spread the word to others in your network.
There will also be smaller demonstrations in Jerusalem, Ashkelon, Haifa, and Ramat Gan. Details will for these will be made available as the venues are set.