Every Arab woman has the right to realize her full potential, participate fully in the workplace and influence her society. Our efforts are meant to ensure that all women have a say in everything from what happens to their bodies to what happens to their daughters.
Women's Rights Center
Since 2016, this walk-in center has helped hundreds of women; and it expanded in 2019, in collaboration with the Israel Women's Network, who opened a hotline. The Center deal with issues pertaining to labor, discrimination, housing, domestic violence and more. Since 2022, the Hebrew University Legal Clinic and Citizens Build Community have collaborated with Na'am to provide full legal aide to women.
Girls For Girls
One of our most successful and vital programs; young women volunteers ages 18 and above receive training to mentor girls between the ages of 11-14. The young women learn to provide emotional support for the girls as they reach adolescence, a confusing and tough time for all girls, but one that can be especially difficult for girls who must deal with wildly conflicting expectations and relationships with their bodies, their families and communities, and their futures.
Women's Advocacy and Parliamentary Lobby
AWC monitors legislation and discussions in the Knesset in the areas of education, welfare, labor, and housing. The lobby has, in the past, exerted influence so that the needs of Arab women in Israel are addressed, and it has specifically brought the issue of femicide up for discussion in Knesset committees.
Leaders Against Domestic Abuse
In-house guidance and assistance
Gender Education
AWC works with community leaders in various neighborhoods with low socioeconomic statuses to coordinate action against domestic abuse and to ensure support for the affected women and girls.
AWC's walk-in services include legal and social services. Social workers and volunteers are members of a team that works to help women whose lives are in danger, from helping them find shelter to helping them prosecute violent men and rebuild their lives.
This education initiative aims to raise awareness among both boys and girls on the topics of sexuality, relations between males and females, and gender relations within the community and cultural frameworks. We have developed a program specifically for high-school boys that aims to promote gender equality and eliminate domestic violence in the next generation.
Support and aid
AWC runs a support group for families of murdered women.
The psychological, legal, and financial aftermath of these crimes can be atrocious. In addition, Na'am contributes humanitarian aide to single-parent families in need.
Corona crisis
Covid lockdowns and a wave of violence in our mixed cities have put our women in danger, decreasing personal and economic security. From the beginning of these, Na'am staff and volunteers developed new means of contact, doubled office hours and .knocked on doors to offer assistance.
Threads of Change
This program markets traditional handiwork produced by women from central Israel and Palestinian women from the West Bank, thus promoting their economic empowerment and strengthening the ties between the women in these geographically separate groups.